TEN HOW'SHow did you get one of your scars?
A papercut, if I was not mistaken.How did you celebrate your last birthday?
Splash with my best!How are you feeling at this moment?
I'm doing alright, but I'm having this tummy pain called gastritis. F.How did your night go last night?
It was so bad at the first place, my mood swung back and forth but it ended out sweet!How did you do in high school?
I can't tell how well or how bad I did.How did you get the shirt you're wearing?
Mommy's.How often do you see your best friend?
I see some everyday, see some twice a year, perhaps.How much money did you spend last month?
How old do you want to be when you get married?
When I'm over 23 years old. I wanna work first!How old will you be at your next birthday?
Seventeen. I hate getting old.NINE WHAT'SYour mothers name?
I don't have to tell you, do I?
What did you do last weekend?
Chemistry all weekend long!What is the most important part of your life?
Family and friends.What would you rather be doing?
Rather be doing something productive than writing nonsense. TeeheeWhat did you last cry over?
Random stuffs.What always makes you feel better when you’re upset?
Being comforted and cry everything out.What’s the most important thing you look for in a significant other?
Loyalty.What are you worried about?
So much that I can't even bear to tell.
What did you have for breakfast?
I don't eat breakfast.EIGHT HAVE YOU’SHave you ever liked someone who had a girlfriend/boyfriend?
Have you ever had your heartbroken?
Who never had?Have you ever been out of the country?
YesHave you ever done something outrageously dumb?
Things I did with my bitches was.. dumb but twas worth the dumbness!Have you ever been back stabbed by a friend?
Yes. And it hurts, so damn much.Have you ever had sex on the beach?
No. Sounds... nay.Have you ever dated someone younger than you?
No.Have you ever read an entire book in one day?
I'mma bookworm.SEVEN WHO’SWho was the last person you saw?
Who was the last person you texted?
Ci Monic. Was askin' about Math. Lame.Who was the last person you hungout with?
It was.. wait, when was my last 'hang out'?
Who was the last person to call you?
Auntie.Who did you last hug?
It was.. damn it doesn't ring a bell. I don't remember.Who is the last person who texted you?
Ci Monic, as well since she was the last person I texted.
Who was the last person you said "i love you" to?
My sissy. For the first time and my last time in my only once life.SIX WHERE’SWhere does your best friend live?
In this whole wide world.Where did you last go?
Fany's.Where did you last hang out?
I didn't even remember when was the last time I had a 'hang-out'.Where do you go to school?
Where is your favorite place to be?
My room. Definitely.Where did you sleep last night?
My bed. Isn't that obvious? Why bother askin?
FIVE DO’S/DOESDo you like someone right now?
I guess so.Do you think anyone likes you?
Well.. I don't know, literally don't know. But I guess so?Do you ever wish you were someone else?
Once, but I'm glad I'm me :)
Do you know the muffin man?
Who the hell is the muffin man? Or whoever has muffin name as their a.k.a?Does the future scare you?
Yes, a lot.FOUR WHY’SWhy are you best friends with your best friend(s)?
Because they have my back when I need a back to fall back on, and they lend me their ears and their goddamn shoulders for me to cry one.
Why did you get a myspace?
Because some Indie bands' Myspace are mostly private that I have to be friend with them so I can download songs. Yeah ai em awsum.
Why did your parents give you the name you have?
I don't know. They never told me either.
Why are you doing this survey?
Because it's my 400th post and I have no idea on what to write.THREE IF’SIf you could have one super power what would it be??
If you could go back in time and change one thing, would you?
I used to wanna change a lot of things but truth be told, I simply love how things are going right now. So much.
If u were stranded on a deserted island & could bring 1 thing what would you bring?
Nyxo, my so called Blackberry. With signals.TWO WOULD-YOU-EVER’SWould you ever forgive your enemy?
Yes, forgive though I may not forget.Would you ever shave your head to save someone you love?
Guess I would.ONE LAST QUESTIONAre you happy with your life right now?