Turning 18th wasn't a big deal for me until I finally reached the day I turned 18, which was.. last week. 18. No more goofing around. It's a relief to me that I have finally figured out what I wanted for University. I've decided to take Design foundation course @ RMIT, which means I'll be flying to Melbourne midst May. A dismay, to me as well. Never thought it's gonna be this fast.
Anyway. So yeah, nothing was really special about my birthday. My friend pinged me in a inhumane way to wake me up at 12 oclock straight, and by then I couldnt get back to sleep so I decided to play some Temple Run until I fell back asleep. Nothing was really special (not yet). Just another day with excessive amounts of BBMs that I found it hard to maintain with, regarding the fact that my BlackBerry screen just went white-out. At that time being my bf told me that he had to go somewhere else and he told me he's going to drive for a moment. And the next second, I figured out that he's right there out of my door. You big fat liar. Standing outside my door with greentea cakes and the annual fireworks candle. He did bring that fireworks candle too last year lols. So, just some usual birthday ritual. Make a wish, blow your candle, cut the cake, and give it to someone. The fun part begins here.
He then gave me my birthday gift, or can I say.. a birthday prank. He wrapped the gifts literally zillions times that opening the gift was pretty frustrating. Knowing that there's still another layers beneath. After few struggles I managed to see what's inside. The sweetest thing a guy has ever done to me.
I'm blessed to have someone so sweet :") |
One of the yummiest cake I've ever had my whole life. The sweetness doesn't overtake the whole taste, and it's just in the right amount of sweetness. |
The shoes I have been DYING for :") |
And the guy behind all of these :") |
and here's me! |
and this is my food! Salmon Pesto Pasta.. or indomie sambel ijo, he says! |
his blue cheese chicken something. YUM. Pancious never fails. |
it's just us being cheesy having matching shoes ♥ |
and more pics! |
the 20th of january will for sure be my sweetest day out of this 365 days in 2013. I can guarantee :)