Sunday, October 28, 2012

"Teriakkan kita pemenang.."

Kalau disuruh menceritakan tentang ESCALADES "Millennium" 2012.. honestly, it's just gonna be too long. Kepanitiaan resmi pertama saya sejak masuk SMA, dan otomatis adalah kepanitiaan terakhir saya. I can say I'm definitely grateful to be a part of it, bisa jadi bagian dari satu kepanitiaan yang super solid.. And I couldn't be any more thankful!

Perjalanan ESCALADES selama 2 bulan bukan sesuatu yang mudah. Bukan jalan mulus yang tinggal lurus saja, sampai ke tujuan. Banyak permasalahan yang ditemui, baik masalah dana, masalah perizinan, masalah peserta, maupun masalah intern di bidang lomba lomba. H-14, saya panik. Jujur, paniknya luar biasa. The opening ceremony is right in front of our eyes, and I can't say we're not ready. Tapi terimakasih Yesus kalau pada saat itu, Tuhan bantuin kita buat kuat dan percaya bahwa semuanya akan indah pada waktu-Mu. Dan memang terbukti. Pada saat techmeet, peserta lomba memenuhi kuota. Dan ya, acara kami bisa mulai! Memang aku, kamu, kita semua boleh berencana.. Namun pada akhirnya memang rencana Dia yang paling baik.

It was 4.55 AM, Saturday morning, when I realized I'm already too late. Panitia diminta buat kumpul jam 5 di sekolah, dan ya! Saya baru bangun jam 4.55. Sedikit kepanikan melanda karena rintik hujan yang melanda. Langit tampaknya memang kurang bersahabat, karena kemarinnya pun, langit terlihat sendu walaupun tidak ada yang menetes dari angkasa. Doa dan puasa kami membuahkan hasil, karena ketika jam menunjukkan angka 6, hujan pun reda, matahari mulai menampakkan diri.

Hari demi hari berlalu, masuk pagi pulang malam selama 4 hari berturut turut memperat ikatan antar panitia. Secara semuanya capek sama sama untuk tujuan yang sama juga. Semuanya lelah, dan bukan hanya lelah. Tapi dashyat lelahnya. Mendekati puncak acara, penutupan acara, lelahnya makin menjadi jadi. Tapi percayalah bahwa tidak ada usaha yang sia sia, dan memang iya.

Acara penutupan berjalan sesuai rencana.. bahkan lebih indah. 1000 tiket terjual habis. Ditambah lagi lumayan banyak yang masuk tanpa tiket. Apa yang saya awalnya ragukan, ternyata berjalan sesuai dengan rencana. I couldn't be any happier. It was the best closing, more than my expectation.. Everything was so.. divine. Hugged lots and lots of people, tears flowing, realizing it's our final year, final shot.. Seriously, it's only one week, but I miss ESCALADES2012 already..


Wednesday, October 10, 2012


Wake up, feel the air that I'm breathin'
I can't explain this feeling that I'm feelin'
I won't go another day without you
Hold on, I promise it gets brighter
When it rains I'll hold you even tighter
I won't go another day without you.. 

Monday, October 8, 2012


It's been a long time since I last have something to talk about. I've forecast-ed that this October would be hectic as hell, and yes, I'm proven right. I couldn't thank God less for the three days off He gifted me, and the rest of the students.

Eleven. Yes.
One of my favourite number, based on Dealova novel, "Nomor satu dari yang satu.." or in English we say, "The first out of the firsts," which I interpreted, the best out of the best. And yes, me and my boyfriend have been dating for 11 months, plus a day (well yesterday was our 11th monthversary.. weehee). You know.. Eleven is my favourite number, thus that's why the eleventh month feels special to me.

You know, seeing each other everyday, talking to each other everyday, or BBM-ing each other everyday doesn't guarantee a single thing. Both of us drifted away from where we used to be. I was busy with my SAT Preparation and it took away our Saturday or Sunday date, yet both of us were busy with our own school business. As well, he was also busy preparing for his college admission weeks ago that the only thing we talked about was about his college, dealing with his dilemmas and helping him out. The dramas between me and my girlfriends took pretty much attention that I kept on rambling to him. Yes, we did tell each other what's going on with our own lives. But one thing we missed, how's OUR relationship going? As we got busier and busier.. stuffs like midnight calls gets more and more seldom. When I have finished studying, I used my extra time to sleep earlier.. Most of the time I overslept because how exhausted this few weeks were. I can say that we were lacking of our quality time, since the frequency of us talking together or discussing things about us lessen and lessen as each day goes by, and obviously, our last date was on early August or something.. We gotten into more and more fights that it drained the energy out of me, and of him too, I can say. Things just got worse that sometimes I feel like giving up, a lot. I kept on questioning, I kept on doubting things between us. If it wasn't for him.. I guess I've given up since Idk when..(well this could be the cheesiest thing I might have ever said in my entire life lol)

Being in a relationship doesn't always mean talking to each other as often as possible.. because it has the tendency to bore you. The only thing I can say.. try to keep up with what's in your relationship and keep on evaluating, not only for the sake of yourself, but the sake of your relationship. As I went to church yesterday, the sermon from the pastor was heart touching..

"Falling in love is easy, but building love and maintaining it is the challenge....When you feel like giving up.. remember the first time you fall in love."

Thank God that this 3 days off finally gives me the chance just to gradually get back where we used to be.. I know the upcoming days are gonna be more and more hectic for sure, but at least I finally got the guts to talk about these to him, and we managed to fix things up. I love you, and I couldn't love you less :)

Friday, October 5, 2012

Drifting apart

Isn't it sad knowing that slowly everyone's drifting apart?
All the issues and dramas.. and moreover, it's the last year where we should be bonded, not drifting this way..
Personally, I hope things get better. Sooner or later.

Hello October.
Damn, time flies. Am enjoying my 3 days off school, due to the mid term break after the midterm test few days ago.. I finally get the chance to take a breath, at least. I didn't even plan on going back home since October is a super hectic week. Lots of things to be done and.. I'm pretty sure time will fly faster this October, remembering how hectic things are gonna be..

I hope the best of October, and to all of you too!
Happy October, enjoy!