Well.. what can I say? 3 more days, and I.. need to change my diary. I need a new diary, to close every chapter of my 2011, and move on to a new one ahead. This might be one.. freaking long post. One heartfelt post. This might be.. everything to me. Just don't mind, okay?
2011 wasn't the best year of my life, it wasn't the easiest as well. This is one tough year to get through. Those uncountable tears, those fake smiles. Lord cheesus, one tough year to be beaten. But, I still have in mind, the times when laughs were literally laugh, when times were so sweet. I lived this 2011, every second of this 362 days, alive. Shared the best memories, laughed the best laughs, yet I cried over the worst memories, struggled through the harshest moment.
Flipping through diary pages, to every blogpost I posted, through every notes I wrote.. My first months of 2011 were not chocolate sweet. I fell out of love. To a good guy, and it was butthard to care less. As I was trying to deal with one, another came along. A fist in your very already swollen face. It sucks to see things that were so divine at the very first place came tumbling. As one tumbled one, another one follows. I was pretty much clueless. I sulk so much, and sulking.. it’s pretty much like diving. You swim deeper, you swim deeper, you’ll get the very best view of the corals and fish, but sooner or later, you’ll run out of oxygen that you need to get out. There’s no use staying under the surface for too long, you’ll die. You have to get back up to the surface. And swimming back, will never be as tempting. I needed to move on out of love, out of issues I've gotten myself into, and issues life gotten me into. How I gotten through everything, I don’t know.. I just did. But really, even roses got torns. I never for even a meresecond regretted the first months of my 2011. It made me.
What did the first months of 2011 did to me that I fell in love, with another guy, faster than I thought I would? It didn’t feel like me. It wasn’t my thing, to easily fell for a guy. Needless to say.. my hopes were turned down, it didn’t ended up as I thought it would. I knew before that this was what I was going to get.
Did I fell in love again? If you might be asking.. *and I wonder if anyone still sticks up to this point..* Yes I did. With the guy I never thought I would fell for again. Question marks are all over the air, did I learn from mistake? How could I? Yes, I did learn from mistakes but.. I don’t know. I just did. And did I regret? No. I can say.

Out of those cupid issues I had.. Friends before lover. That one law of nature I forever will not break. It felt heaven when I knew that I forever will have people that will stand by me, no matter how hard things might get. If sweet words broke my heart, they won’t even say a word so they needn’t to break my heart. If promises and lies broke my heart, they needn’t to promise me a thing, they will, even without a promise. Who’ll forever answer my phone 24/7 and stay awake just to hear me cry.. My chicks, really. They did that. I can’t ask for better chicks. We did fight, we had issues among each other, but the fact that I still came back to them, we found our way back, and I just knew..

To people that watched me grew, to those girls I grew up with..

What can I say? I’ve lived my very 2011. I’ve gone through so much. I grew, out of everything. I kicked every butt life told me to. To look back at what I wrote back then at the year changing night..
Hey 2011. Just be nice, okay?
Dear 2011, you wasn’t that nice. But lessons you taught me to, I never regret. Anyway, thanks for the best memories. My boyfriend.. and forever to the best people I’ve had. To the restless days and sleepless night. Cheers to you.